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Account Maint. & Status -

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August 30, 2012
Posts: 8

PostPosted:     Post subject: Account Maint. & Status -
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Other than running across some seemingly 12 year old's account - dunno if he is or not. What's the deal with Admin - reviews aren't updated, approvals have been in queue for a couple days now and so forth and so on. Seems like a most opportune time to terminate my four day old account.

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January 5, 2005
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We have no idea what you are talking about.

1) You joined yesterday, so you are lying when you say you have a 'four day old account'.

2) We have no idea what 'reviews' you expect us to 'update'. Member accounts go live immediately. (Photos are reviewed twice daily, and we see that you have photos in the queue, and they will be reviewed when when we review photos later today.)

3) And lastly, it is against the rules for anyone under the age of 18 to be a member of this network. If you have found a profile that indicates someone is under 18, why didn't you use the REPORT link on the member's profile page to alert us?

Basically, we have no clue why you would say you have been a member for 4 days, when you joined yesterday, and we don't understand the other negative comments you've made.

And please let us know which account it is that you think is owned by a 12 year old.



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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hey Mr. Bisexual Politician guy. Instead of wining be a part of the solution. Not the complexity and negativity. If your here and you don't like what you see take a hike or pick up an shovel (figuratively) and be a man and work towards bettering it. I don't see how you could ever be a politician or any type of military figure. Damn it is free and it's a project moving forward.

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August 30, 2012
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Johnny Come Lately, as a matter of fact I don't like what I see. What's it to you pal.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Why are you still here "PAL" take up your pistol or more likely pencil and click the delete account button.

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August 30, 2012
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Hey nebbish I didn't ask you. Take your pistol and stick it.

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January 5, 2005
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Ok...a couple of things.

You started off on the wrong foot by lying about your account.

Now you say you don't like what you see in the site.

Why did you lie?

And what is it you do not like that is causing you to be so negative?



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August 30, 2012
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For the record how long do you think will it take before someone else forwards this post to a federal bureau field office? You have some half-wit crazy nutjob publically posting content about raising pistols and guns and so forth, and what appears to be from any reasonable person's eye, an underage account holder.

You don't officiously verify age and folks know exactly what they're looking at when they see it. If you're not sure who's who and what's what you need to find out and find out fast. I'm simply pointing out the legalities as they stand for the record. Finally, I would think long and hard about the content of your reply if you feel so compelled. It's your problem not mine. I have absolutely nothing to do with it and want absolutely no part of it.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Ok... I don't want to gratify this individual with a response..... how about that? It took me two seconds to think of as a response. It is you who I am in question about age and mental state. After all your "word" isn't the one to be trusted; liar.

Your debating skills are a little weak, are you sure you want to harass the moderator? Especially since you still have your account. I mean you must be only here for the argument now. You already outed yourself as to how you feel about this site. Might I add that your
twice the liar than what was originally concluded. I recollect you saying something about deleting your account. You failed, lied and burned at that too, you have destroyed your credibility. So which brings this conversation back 360ยค. Who on earth do you think on here wants to talk with a pathological lying p.o.s. like you? What women or men here would ever consider being your so called "play partner"? You might have better luck going out and getting a prostitute "PAL". Now tuck whatever bit of tail you have back in between your legs,do this website a favor, and spare yourself from embracing anymore embarrassment; delete your account now.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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patriot wrote: For the record how long do you think will it take before someone else forwards this post to a federal bureau field office? You have some half-wit crazy nutjob publically posting content about raising pistols and guns and so forth, and what appears to be from any reasonable person's eye, an underage account holder.

You don't officiously verify age and folks know exactly what they're looking at when they see it. If you're not sure who's who and what's what you need to find out and find out fast. I'm simply pointing out the legalities as they stand for the record. Finally, I would think long and hard about the content of your reply if you feel so compelled. It's your problem not mine. I have absolutely nothing to do with it and want absolutely no part of it.

You are a real piece of work.

First, there is nothing wrong with owning guns. In fact, we have a whole site for gun owners, called Gun Lovers Passions.

We don't have a problem with someone mentioning guns, unless of course it is to threaten someone.

The first mention of a pistol in this thread was said in a way that implied you should take your pistol and use it to click the Delete button. It seemed to be a reference to your username and your listing of military within your profile. It in no way threatened you.

You then used the same term, but you used it in this manner 'take your pistol and stick it'.

Any reasonable person would view you as the one who was inappropriate.

Separately, you still have not explained why you lied in your original post, nor have you explained what you don't like about the site.

And lastly, our TERMS clearly state that no one under the age of 18 is allowed on the network. We have a number of filters to alert us when someone announces an age under 18 on the network, but since no system is foolproof, we also ask all members to report anyone who identifies themselves as under 18.

Just because an 18 year old looks young does not mean they are under 18. At your age, it is easy to forget just how young some 18 year olds can look, so perhaps that is the problem here.

In any case, our network is set up for adults (ie. 18 and over) and our search system will not allow searches for anyone under 18. When members see any evidence of another member being under 18, they report it (which you never did), and we review the account. One thing we don't do though, is delete accounts just because one person thinks that someone looks young in their photo. Our system has worked well for 8+ years, and with the help of members, we have been able to monitor the network.

Now, back to you.

Stop lying!

Stop being so negative!

You are welcome to criticize the network, but if you do not follow your criticism with any information about whatever it is you are ranting about, then we cannot fix things.

We wish you the best on making friends and finding romance on the network, but a word of advice...try being nice. You might be surprised at how things may change for you.



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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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First, Patriot apologized for initially mistating the number of days that he had an account, so...apology accepted.

Aside from that, I just deleted about 5 or 6 subsequent posts that were basically personal attacts going back and forth between the other posters in this thread.

As per our TERMS, personal attacks within the forum are not allowed.

Separately, I would suggest that both of you use the Block Management option, linked in the Account area, to block contact from the other.

This will prevent this little pissing war from spilling over into a negative back and forth email chain.

I do not like being pulled into personal issues within the forums, because with 230+ sites (and growing), I have PLENTY to do without having to try to figure out who was in the right, who was in the wrong, and what needs to be done (if anything) from a webmaster perspective.

So...for everyone...there is a HIGHLY diverse group of people within this site. Due to the wildly different groups of people, we have to demand that members give one another the respect within the forum that they would like given to them.

Disagreements are expected, but at no point should any disagreement be laced with personal attacts.

I would prefer that no further comments be added into this thread, even if they are further apologies or explanations.

It is better that this thread just slowly slide down the forum list until it is rarely if ever seen again.

Nuff said!



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